Public speaking 🇨🇿🇭🇺🇭🇷🇧🇦🇮🇨🇪🇸🇺🇸
- ReactSummit US, “JS Optional: modern React apps that work without JS”, NYC 🇺🇸⧉ Video
- Frontend academy, State management, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ Video
- Frontend academy, TypeScript workshop, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ Video
- “Animations with Framer-motion” workshop, Prague 🇨🇿
- Frontend talks, “JAM Stack”, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ YouTube
- Frontend talks, “Web animations”, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ Event
- JSDayCanarias, “Bring React to live with animations”, Canary Islands, Spain 🇮🇨 ⧉ YouTube
- ReactiveConf, “Butter-smooth” web animations”, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ YouTube
- Frontend meetup, “TypeScript” workshop, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ YouTube
- Frontend meetup, “Global state management” workshop, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ YouTube
- Frontend meetup, “Headless CMS”, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ Slides
- ReactiveConf, “Smarter UI Development”, Brno 🇨🇿 ⧉ Slides
- Budapest.JS, “State management with Rematch”, Budapest 🇭🇺 ⧉ Event
- Zagreb.JS, “State management with Rematch”, Zagreb 🇭🇷 ⧉ YouTube
- Sarajevo.JS, “State management with Rematch”, Sarajevo 🇧🇦 ⧉ Event
- ReactiveConf, “Redux with superpowers”, Prague 🇨🇿 ⧉ Slides